Illyssia is a proud member of the Swisscos association, the association for the protection of the origin of the Swiss cosmetics.

The target of this association, of which Illyssia is an active member, is to bring together Swiss cosmetics producers eager to protect and ensure the authenticity of the Swiss origin of their products.
It is intended not only to promote the genuine Swiss cosmetics but also to face the proliferation of so-called Swiss origin but which are unfortunately fake.
Indeed, Swiss cosmetic products have established a strong foothold in the international market today. They have become a MUST for a large number of consumers all over the world. As in the case of watches and chocolate, the designation ‘Made in Switzerland’ lends these products an image of high quality and reassures the user.
But there’s always another side to the coin and the success of Swiss-made products has caused much envy, to the extent that the cosmetics market has seen an avalanche of so-called ‘Swiss’ products of which the only Swiss factor is the word on the label or the packaging and which lead the user to a mistaken assumption concerning their origin.
With this problem in mind the main Swiss cosmetics manufacturers have formed an association to protect genuine Swiss cosmetic products and provide a guarantee of origin for their customers.
Under the name of the ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ORIGIN OF SWISS COSMETICS (SWISSCOS) a label (SWISS GUARANTEE COS) is used on packaging, in advertising and on members’ promotional material. This label guarantees that what the customer buys was indeed made in Switzerland.
The Swiss Department of Trade has issued directives concerning the attribution of the CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN that the members of SWISSCOS must have in order to be entitled to use the designation on their products
The Swisscos association has the right, with the support of the federal authorities, to sue to court any company which would in an unlawful manner use the reference « …… Switzerland », « Swiss Cosmetics », or « Made in Switzerland cosmetics ».
The « Swisscos Guarantee Cos » label sticked on all our products certifies that the distributor and the consumer are purchasing a product entirely developed and produced in Switzerland, and therefore distinguish our product from an imitation.
For more information : Swisscos website